First Birthday Sessions

First Birthday Portrait

First Birthday Portrait

We photographed a one-year-old little lady today.  Her mom is a friend of mine, which isn't uncommon.  I love how close we become with the families we "serve". Even if in this case Angie and I were friends long before.

Angie is the proud mommy of four.  At least I think she's proud.  I would be.  I love her kids, and the manners and the expectations that they are growing up with.  

When we photographed this little lady a year ago, when she was just six days old.

Newborn Portraits

Newborn Portraits

When we photographed this little lady a year ago, when she was just six days old.  Barely out of the hospital.  I'm not sure how it's been a year already.  I must have blinked.  
One of the things I've become very aware of as a parent is how fast time zooms by.  I don't see it in myself, I barely notice it in those around me - except in my children.  

Our oldest graduated high school last year.  I have absolutely no idea where the last 18 years went.  I remember her 9th birthday clearly.  She came to me, thrilled.  "Mom, I'm 9 today!  I'm halfway to 18!!!"  My heart sank.  I wasn't ready for her to be 9, I'm certainly not ready for her to be in college.

As we age we learn how fast life speeds up.  Or maybe as our kids age.  Keep them close, you only have so long.


Family portraits are essential.  Call us when your family is ready for theirs.  Here you can view more first birthday photos.

Clare Troutman
(503) 559-3106
Troutman Photography
222 W First Avenue, Ste 250
Albany OR 97321