Head Shots for Photographer's Wives

new board member-OPPA-headshots

Today, I am not a photographers wife, or a photographers assistant. 

Today I am a small business owner and a newly elected board member.

Today I have to have a professional headshot taken.

By someone other than my spouse.  And it sucks.

Now, I know the photographer who's taking my portrait.  I know he does an amazing job- and that he is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) for the PPA and he's on the board of the OPPA with me,... blah blah blah.

It's not about him. It's about me.

So today, I am one of you. 

Someone who doesn't want their picture taken.  And I have all the same reasons you have to NOT want a lens pointed at me.

Why we don't want our photograph taken:

The last 10 pounds.
If only I could be so lucky as to be down to just the last 10lbs.  I literally started my diet last Thursday.  And it's Wednesday.  And I don't care if you only eat grapefruit for a week - you still aren't losing enough weight to make you love your picture.

I just had my picture taken
And I did, sort of.  It's only been a year since I had my last "real" head shot taken.  I know, I know, my hair has changed color (at least twice) since then, and the new trend towards head shots is horizontal, not vertical, but still.  I have a "perfectly good"  head shot.  It's not 5 years old (you know who you are).  I'm pretty caught up.

It's awkward.  And it's personal. And there's someone in my space.
What if he doesn't "get" me?  What if I hate my clothes/makeup/jewelry/expression?  What if everyone's picture but mine looks fabulous?

I don't have anything to wear!
I literally had to quote myself in my own head this morning.  "Wear what gets you compliments".

I'm so ugly!
Wait. No I'm not.  But there are a lot of pictures out there to the contrary.  Everyone has bad pictures.  Not everyone has good ones. I should be thrilled that I'm going to have a great picture.  But I'm not.

I don't wanna!!!!!!!
But as a bit of a website connoisseur, I understand how professional it looks to have everyone's head shot match. And, as the leading organization for PHOTOGRAPHERS in the state of Oregon, well, um, our photography should, um, well, match.  Go figure.

So while I'm not looking forward to it, I am going to go, and I am going to have a good time, and I am going to work with my photographer to get the best head shot possible.

And you should too.
