Jessica’s Downtown Albany Senior Pictures

Jessica’s Downtown Albany Oregon Senior Pictures

Jessica is a supermodel but hasn’t quite figured it out yet.  That’s part of the reason we chose her to be one of Troutman Photography’s 2015-16 senior models.  Yes she’s all of the things you think of when you think about models she’s beautiful, tall, the camera loves her.  But the real reason we chose her to be ambassador for our business is that she is just a genuinely good person.  She radiates happiness and is always smiling. Which made shooting her senior portraits all that much easier. (think fish in a barrel)  


For Jessica's first photo shoot we took advantage of the beautiful River Front Park in downtown Salem.  This park sits along a made made canal that flows through downtown Salem and provides a pleasant mix of concrete, steel and plant life.  Just by turning 180 degrees we were able to bounce from a light natural look to a harder grungier look.  We spent time working with both looks and captured some really fun images.


For our second session with Jessica we decided to keep things easy and fun by shooting behind our studio in the Flinn Building here in downtown Albany.  If you haven't visited the  Flinn Building or the popular wedding venue at the Flinn Block Hall I highly recommend it.  The building itself is a gorgeous remodeled building from the prohibition era and offers a polished elegant setting for portraits.  But in my opinion it’s the alleyway behind the building/ our studio that really makes for some stunning photographs.  Jessica loved the idea of working in the alleys and had some great outfits that really completed the look.  Once again her genuine smile and bubbly personality made her an absolute joy to work with and I think that comes through in all of her images.

Now for the sad bit.   It’s unfortunately time for us to say goodbye to our senior model and friend Miss Jessica as she gets ready to graduate.  It has been a true pleasure getting to know her and we hope that she never loses that smile or that positive attitude that comes with it.

Have a great day everybody and thanks for reading!

Daniel Troutman